You know it's officially spring when you walk into Teisens (farming supply store here in the midwest) and can hear the baby chicks and ducks in the back of the store. It's an exciting time and as we approach our first year owning our four beautiful and beloved Rhode Island Reds, we decided it's time to introduce them to another breed and increase our flock! We purchased 5 Americaunas at about 10 days old and for right now they are living in our garage under the protection and warmth of a heat lamp (despite warm temperatures just yesterday in the 70's, there is snow in the forecast for tomorrow)! On nice days, the boys and I have taken them outside and let them peck around as they nibble on our hands and feet. They stay very close and don't run off and the boys love to hold them. Simon has grown especially close to one of them, which has been fun to watch. He isn't very affectionate at all and to see him convey sensitivity to anyone or anything is very rare. Samuel is too aggressive with them, or rather clumsy around them, and can't be trusted! As soon as the garage door opens, he runs out of the mudroom to the bin where they are living and reaches in to try and grab them. I think he gets so excited and overjoyed at the thought of handling them but just can't control his excitement. I help him learn to be gentle and he's enjoying just having them around. The Reds chase after him when let out in the yard and he doesn't care for that. The older boys think it's funny, of course!

The kids dressed in their Easter clothes

Simon and his favorite chick!

Each time I walk outside and feel the warmth from the sun, I get antsy about starting the garden. This year, however, I am heeding the words of my amazingly wise husband and not jumping into planting too quickly! He always tells me there is plenty of time and I'm just wasting time by starting things too early! I'll listen, despite my aching desire to hoe the ground, fill my milk jugs and plant my seeds! Until then, I'm soaking up the warmth and watching the kids do all the growing!
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