Yes, March is quickly approaching and my last post was before Christmas! Yikes, so much has happened and there haven't been many nights where I don't lie in bed and think about the fact that it's been so long since I updated the blog! I thought the title would be fitting since this will be a post to get caught up on the past 3 months.
Sadly, this post and maybe a few to come will be without an photos because we have lost a computer to water damage and haven't gotten the new one set up for uploading photos yet. We should get this set up soon as I feel like there are so many events that have been so fun and need pictures to accurately portray the excitement that we've had.
Yes, we have lost a few personal items in our home and even though these were all accidents, Thomas and I are beginning to ask each other why it is that we continue to buy nice things while we have 3 little boys in our home. The computer was spilled on by a pitcher of water and our new flat screen television was cracked by some sort of flying object. The kids aren't aware of when this happened and how it happened, but we are sure that something happened and cracked our screen. At first what seemed to be a minor crack and black spot in the bottom right hand side of the screen has now turned in to a television that will not even turn on. We were all a little shaken up and disappointed but now realize that our next tv must be covered! We should have thought about that in the first place.
Ethan had his 5 year check up this morning and is growing right on track. He was a man of few words with the doctor but managed to be polite, answer all her questions, and pass all the tests! He did great and we are so proud of him. Simon was anxiously observing as he knows that his 3 year check up is coming up soon and wants to be well informed of how this goes. Ethan did not have any vaccinations today...Simon has 4 coming up! It's not going to be fun. During his last check up, the pediatrician was pretty impressed that he could say "no thank you" to all of her requests. I told her that he says no so much that I at least wanted him to be polite about it. We'll see how this one goes.
EThan had a carnival party in December for his Birthday. He shared his day with Ava and we all had a blast! We had face painting, ball tosses, crafts, a trampoline, and Thomas stole the show! He performed a magic show and juggling act for the kids which in my opinion, made the party one of a kind! It was awesome! I did take a few pictures and will get them posted when I can. Grandma Fawcett made Ethan and Ava's cake. It was a clown cake that THomas had when he was just a kid. It was pretty nostalgic for him and Helen did a great job with the cake and cupcakes to match! What a fun party!!!
January was a warmer than usual month. We were actually able to play outside several afternoons and despite the fact that we have had very little snow, the boys have still enjoyed bundling up and being out in the cold temperatures...as long as they know that there will always be a cup of hot cocoa waiting inside for them! I love treating them and it's become such a sweet time with them as we come in, sip on cocoa and read a couple books together on the couch. There is something so precious about it...moments I will cherish forever.
The time really is going by fast. Samuel is already 6 months old! He is doing great! He loves to smile and giggle, is quite ticklish, loves his older brothers, especially when they jump up and down and has recently learned to blow bubbles! He is sleeping much better and really loves his bed! He loves baby cereal and so far has expanded his diet to include squash and sweet potatoes. Next on the list...peas, or maybe green beans! I'll never forget Ethan's first reaction to green beans. Hilarious and it would be pretty funny to see a similar response from Samuel. What a blessing he has been and such a wonderful addition to our family. THe boys love him so much and his smiling just melts our hearts!
Ethan is now pretty engaged in a kindergarten curriculum and enjoying all that he is learning. I am learning quite a bit too! It's been so much fun teaching him new things and watching his mind take off. He loves all things science and we have been enjoying finding information of certain topics at the library or online together. He is also beginning to read! He is pretty excited that there are a few books in which he can complete on his own. We have started with BOB books and he has already finished the first set! We are so proud of him and love that he absolutely loves to read and be read to. I have developed a new love for books as well. It is definitely a favorite activity that we do together.
Simon is now covering some preschool material. He joins us at the table and oftentimes will even join the discussion or activity. He is very quick to pick up on things and oftentimes, when I think he's not even listening, he will fill in the blanks! He loves shapes, colors and is beginning to write some of his letters. He is meticulous and oftentimes I might have to give him a bit of extra encouragement to complete something that doesn't come quite so easy to him. He is very creative and very articulate. He continues to love balls. Anything that is round and rolls or can be bounced. He loves marbles, rocks, any kind of sports ball, and super balls. He pretty much has a collection of every kind of ball you can imagine. THis year, for his third birthday, we are having an under the sea ball party (he also loves blue whales). I will continue to post about the party as I think it's going to be a great one! We have some great ideas on how to transform our basement into an under the water experience. It should be fun!
Thomas and I are oh so busy, but feeling more and more blessed every day. We have found new ways to create special times together. ONe of our new favorite things to do together is have a date night in! When we combine our efforts, it's worth the all the hard work to make it happen. I tidy up the basement, set up a nice candlelit table, prepare a special dinner while he puts the kids to bed. We wait to eat until the kids go to bed and enjoy an uninterrupted meal together oftentimes with a glass of wine and soft music playing. The basement seems so serene and quiet and there are no toys in sight! It's a wonderful way to enjoy our time together and reconnect in a way that is practical for our season of life. We do try and get out together once a month though as we both value the kids being used to a babysitter.
There is so much going on but so much joy in it all! We love our family. We feel so blessed by each of the children and love them so much. God continues to be faithful to guide us and extend grace to us. We are so unworthy of His love and grace and find so much fulfillment in living daily as His servants!
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