* Thomas is off crutches! We were beginning to think that this day would never come however last Wednesday when he went in for an x-ray, the doctor said everything looked good and is healing well so she gave him the ok to head out without what has been his "lifeline" for weeks...crutches! He has been taking it pretty slow as not to aggravate his foot and he is sore when he walks on it too much, but all in all, he says it feels pretty good and he is just thrilled to not have to go everywhere with crutches. It's amazing how long this process has been and I'm sure glad I didn't know it was going to take this long when it happened. SOmehow it was better just not knowing and dealing with it week by week. He got his cast taken off (which was a very painful procedure that shouldn't have been...poor guy) and is not wearing a large boot. Next week, he is hoping to wear regular shoes with a small boot over them. Yay for progress! He's already talking spring soccer...
* Thomas turned 30! Yes, Thomas has reached his 30th Birthday and we wanted to make it big! It fell on a Thursday so the boys and I wanted to make his day special with decorations, fun finger foods, cake, and presents. I also had been planning a surprise party for him that weekend. I bought Thomas a nice watch, and a few other nicer gifts this year...hey, why not, you only turn 30 once! EThan knew about the watch and was helping me do all sorts of research! It probably wasn't the best idea to let him in on the secret so after he somewhat spilled the beans, I did all sorts of things to convince Thomas that he wasn't getting a watch. I think he ended up surprised. We had a great day and he had no idea of what was coming that weekend! Saturday morning we went out for a while as people came and arrived at our house to set up. I made a ton of appetizers and finger foods for the party. I made one big sheet cake in the shape of an apple computer with an apple logo on it. It was fun to make! I hid everything for the party without Thomas knowing at all what was going on. We got back to the house and our friends and family were there to surprise him and hang out for the afternoon. It was fun and again, I'm pretty sure Thomas had no idea! I'll post pictures soon!
* The basement is finished! My brother Jon came and finished up all the molding and framed in the windows. I had everything cleaned up so that we could show off the basement for the party. It looks great! Thomas has seriously done an awesome job and I couldn't be more proud of him. There are several things that still need to be done but it is definitely livable and we have already had Mom Fawcett stay on the bed down there (the sectional that we bought also turns into a full size sleeper) and we had friends over yesterday for coffee and enjoyed it down there! It's so nice to have that space useable and I love how the lighting and color came out. It's so warm and welcoming. It's really fun to think of all the work that Thomas and other family members have put into it and now enjoy all their hard work. A job well done!
* Samuel is sleeping through the night...almost! Yes, this needs to be included because it's amazing to get 8 hours of consecutive sleep when all you've had recently is 3 or 4! We don't always go to sleep right away and get 8 hours, but we could! Samuel is going to sleep around 7 or 8 and sleeping until 6...and in his own room. Good news...Absolutely!
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