As I promised before, here are some pictures of the garden as of today, July 22nd, 2011. It's quite daunting to me to go out there and harvest anything but I've been picking away at it the last couple of days. It's been so hot and difficult for me to move around (being pregnant) and so I haven't been able to get out there and work as much as I would have liked, but I realize that I need to do as much as possible because it will only get harder from here on out. Thomas and I are predicting that all the tomatoes need about 1 more week and then they will be ripe, right when we get home from the hospital. There are sooo many tomatoes. The boys have picked a few cherry tomatoes already but no big ones. The zucchini and summer squash are taking over. We have had several batches of beans to cook, I just picked our first couple cucumbers today, Swiss chard is beautiful, the peppers aren't fairing so well due to an early on fungus that took a little while to get rid of, the beets are still growing as well as the carrots and the eggplant need some more time as well. It's been fun to watch all of it grow so quickly now that it's really gotten warmer. We were off to a very slow start. Anyway, the boys love being outside playing in the sandbox (with the garden hose) while I work in the garden.

A week ago we had Allen and Elaine and their two kids Owen and Nora here from DC spend the day with us. The kids had a blast in the pool and cousin Grace was even here too with Troy and Leanna. We ate outside together in the backyard while the kids played. It was a bit warm but not too bad in the shade. Thank goodness for all the mature trees on our lot!

Here is a picture of the boys making juice! I wish I could say that I grew these carrots and celery but not so. We did grow the kale and beets which we add to the juice! They LOVE to juice and once I had everything washed and cut up, they took over! They did it all by themselves. Ethan loves the mashing and Simon loves to toss the veggies down the shoot!

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