Ok Ok, so I am really bad at staying on top of things (as far as blogging goes) but I'm just not a writer! The words just don't seem to come and I end up sitting here trying to think of how to say something and before I know it, I've wasted nap time, the only time I really have to sit and write. What is a mother supposed to do. I've decided that this isn't a good excuse and the boys are growing at a rapid pace and I can't let my inability to creatively blog about our lives get the best of me. So, my pages may be short and directly to the point, but I figure it's better than nothing. I would love for the boys to look back and see that Mommy did make an effort to record those important dates and fun outings together. So...
Ethan is now 3 and loves bugs, sand boxes, his scooter, ice cream and pretending to be dinosaurs. He loves to talk and tell stories. His favorite stories to listen to are the ones about Freddie and Eddie, two pet dinosaurs who take all sorts of different adventures together. This always comes in handy at the grocery store when the boys are getting impatient. Ethan will sit still and listen to a story as long as Freddie and Eddie are the main characters and they're action-packed! He loves to read books and his favorite movie is Toy Story!
Simon just turned 1 and he is my shy, sensitive little one. He is very cuddly, on his own terms, and loves to copy anything big brother Ethan does. He loves Ethan so much, and consequently, this oftentimes causes some difficulty and conflict when Simon wants to be near Ethan and Ethan would like his own space. We have figured out a pretty good system and things are working ok for now. Simon can say Mama and Dada and just recently learned to point to things, especially animals. He loves dogs! He loves bugs as well!
Thomas and I are enjoying each other and love spending time as a family. Family life is great and we are looking forward to this summer, going to the pool, taking walks, getting back into running (maybe) and projects on the house.
I'll blog later, sooner rather than later, now to get back to baking a batch of cookies for midweek tonight and playdate tomorrow, cleaning up cheerios on the floor from lunch, killing the moles that are destroying my garden as I type, getting dinner made for the family and...well, I could go on...all of this to say I am blessed, and thank you Lord for this life you have given me...
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