With iphoto 09 there is no reason not to use flickr. Life is so simple I can't believe it. Well when it comes to using a Mac life is simple, raising kids ... a bit more challenging. So far round two for us has been much easier that the first time around but we are only four days in. I am sure there will be more challenges ahead. Jenn is doing great and currently is getting some much needed sleep. I am in bed wasting time on the computer in stead of getting the sleep I need.
Simon has been backwards with his schedule, and was awake most of the night last night. Though it appears that Tonight he is going to sleep well. Lets hope this trend continues. Well we all know that one night with a baby is never a trend so this is really just hopeful thinking.
The reason I am writing this post is to get you all our Flickr address so you can see some more photos we have posted there. Here is the address
hope you enjoy,
Yeah! Now if you could just convince your camera loving sister to use flickr too ;-)
Thanks for the website address. Maybe I need a Mac! (Or maybe I need to check out flickr - I don't want Grace to feel left out!)
What precious pictures! You both are so blessed! Ethan is such a big boy, and holding Simon too...What a sweetie pie, you can tell he loves his little brother!
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