We are nearly half way through winter and we're fighting off some major winter blues! It's been a long winter already, probably due in part because I am feeling so sick! Rarely is there a day that I actually get out of my pajamas! We have had a fair share of snow this year which has made it fun for the boys! They have enjoyed playing, scooping, sledding and snowball fighting! I have only been out a handful of times as Samuel really dislikes the snow and consequently I'm unable to stay out long with him. Simon was much like this last year and how done a lot of growing up. He's now able to play with Ethan until I ask them to come inside. He was always quick to start complaining that he's too cold. I'm proud of him!
Here's a picture of Simon in our backyard the morning after a large snowstorm!
At Grandma and Grandpa's house with Grandpas new sled
Here is our chicken coop. The poor chickens didn't come out for days!
The boys in their snow den!

Despite the frigid temperatures, we have been able to do some fun things inside. We have played many lego wars and put together all kinds of different lego creations. Among the boys favorite is a castle, Star Wars spaceship, Fire-fighting airplane, and helicopter. Samuel enjoys dumping all the legos! I've taken a hiatus from crafts this winter as I just can't seem to find the energy to come up with creative things to do! It's enough for me right now to try and keep up with the housework and homeschooling. It's been fun though and I've learned to overlook ALOT in our home! I never thought I would be able to see past the myriad of legos strewn all over our living room floor and spilling into every corner in the kitchen, but now at the end of the day, I have one goal. To get to bed with my face washed and teeth brushed. That, in itself, is a major accomplishment! I'm hoping, at 12 weeks this Thursday, I will start to more productive days, meaning more organization and order. I don't think the kids seem to notice at all...as a matter of fact, I think they prefer having all there toys at their fingertips each morning when they wake up rather than put away neatly back into their bins. Sadly for them, these days will change and they will once again have to abide by the "one bin at a time" rule instead of this "free for all" game that I've been allowing for some time now.
This last week was such a nice break from the low temps. It was actually 50 degrees the other day. I went for a walk and we all went to Reiman Gardens! It was a very pleasant weekend and a good dose of vitamin D for us all. We went to our favorite park, brought our bikes, and the kids rode bikes until the sun was beginning to set. It was so incredibly amazing to be outside and breathe the fresh air! Oh, how I've missed the outdoors so much! I'm not complaining as I know that it's very atypical to be outside, bike riding, on any given January day in Iowa. I'm very grateful in fact!
Checking out a really cool butterfly at the Gardens
I've pulled out some gardening and urban farm magazines from last summer and started to
some motivation for this next year. I have some grand plans for this year's garden and I'm excited to get started! Until then, I will sit back on my sofa in the living room and desperately try to enjoy all the glowing white coming from outside our window!
I had to include Samuel's last picture before his big boy haircut!