The following weekend, we headed to West Branch to be with Ken and Helen, Troy, Leanna and Grace for Easter. Helen treated the boys to some very cute Easter outfits and we did attempt to get pictures of all the kids taken at Sears. This attempt partly failed because Simon was not so cooperative. Grace and Ethan did great however, the only picture we could get of Simon was in the lobby. Oh well, we'll try again next year. He seems to get pretty uncomfortable when the camera is on him. Ethan would willingly take as many photos as needed. Such different personalities.
THe kids all hunted again for Easter eggs and a big Easter basket at the farm and they were thrilled to find what the bunny left for them! The baskets were full of fun treats and activities to keep them busy for a while. We still have the baskets sitting on the kitchen island and the kids love when I give them permission to search through them and play with all the fun little games and treats inside (this is now three weeks later). I think we will have to put them away soon as I am beginning to miss the space on my island. It's been totally worth it though!

We have had some very unusual Iowa weather. It has been very cold up until this last week so it has pushed planting back to a later date than desired. It is almost mid May and Thomas has been extremely busy. He has been working so many hours and fixing problem after problem. I am amazed at how much he has learned in 2 years working at his job. When I hear him troubleshooting over the phone, he sounds amazing! So technical and sometimes I can hear the farmers go from being frustrated and a bit on edge to calm and reassured by the end of a conversation with THomas. Did I mention my husband was amazing! Not to mention how he is so tired when he gets home and yet still has energy for the boys, and me :) I don't know how he does it. He is an amazing dad and husband. Oh, and he finished my plantar box!!! Here is is finishing up the last coat of sealant. Since then it has been filled with soil and herbs and vegetables have been planted! Yay! I will post more pictures later.