We had so much fun the first time so we took the kids hiking again this past weekend. We have been unusually lucky this fall given the fact that we have had 3 consecutive weeks of beautiful weather! There has been very little rain and above average temperatures for this time of the year. That puts us at around 70 degrees and sunny clear skies most of the time! So, we've been taking advantage of it and every opportunity that we get. This time we went to a place close by in Ames where Thomas and I used to go when we were dating. It's kind of nostalgic and a fun place to visit and take the kids. The trails are not too difficult which is perfect for us right now. We like the idea of easing our way into the whole idea of hiking and backpacking. We have talked about making camping a family tradition when the kids get older. We both remember doing this as kids and we have so many fond memories of the whole experience. It should be something fun that we do in the years to come. Ethan did fantastic and never really complained. He does tend to stop quite a bit and observe the world around and although we don't get too far on our hikes, who wants to stop a young boy from exploration? Simon enjoys watching the view from Thomas' backpack. He stays pretty quiet and shows no real interest in getting down and walking...yet! We probably hiked a total of a mile this last weekend which doesn't sound like much but it probably took us a little over an hour to complete the trail. Nevertheless, it was a great time and after two hiking trips thus far, Ethan would still like to go again. He loves the "nature walks".
We were also able to celebrate Thomas' 29th Bday this weekend. The boys helped HTomas open some gifts and we all shared to cake (or brownies actually) together. We decorated the house with balloons and streamers and the kids had a blast! Happy Birthday Thomas. I couldn't be more proud and honored to be your wife.
Lastly, and for the 6th and possibly final time, we went to the Apple Orchard today and this was a nodal event for Simon! He LOVED the corn pit! He hasn't like sitting, touching or even entering the barn with the corn pit in it but today, he was all about it! I was SO proud of him. He slid down the slide, jumped off the hay bales, and played endlessly in the corn. I think he just needed some time to get used to it and now it's really a hit! He also liked the jumping pillow which he has been leery of as well. There were no other kids on it, which I'm sure helped quite a bit, and the two boys jumped until they could barely stand up! They were exhausted and ready to go home pretty soon after we finished jumping. We shared a spiced donut together (which was one of the best donuts I've ever tasted and will now try to make one at home), bought some more delicious apples, and started the trek for home. I dont know if we will make it again, but it has been soooo worth it!