Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A little Taste from the Apple Orchard

A couple of days ago, we got an invitation from some friends of ours to go to an apple orchard with them. I hesitated to go because of the dreary weather but we just bundled up and headed out. The orchard wasn't too far away, Cambridge, Iowa to be exact which is only about a half hour drive from our house. The Orchard had so many things to do there. We had a blast! There was a corn pit where the kids could jump and roll around in until their hearts content. There were all sorts of farm animals there and characters set up from kids favorite movies and nursery rhymes. Ethan experienced first hand what it would be like to be the "old woman who lived in a shoe" and one of the "three little pigs". Simon tagged right along and really like to giant jumping bean. We wrapped up our afternoon sliding down the monster slide and Ethan was able to go all by himself! It made me a little nervous but he handled it nicely! Simon and I went together and that was enough excitement for me. We bought some honey crisp apples on our way out and were so thrilled by how much fun we had that we bought a season pass! We can't wait to go with Thomas!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Basement Project: Before Pics

Thomas and I are really motivated to finish our basement by this winter. When we bought this house, we both had a vision for finishing the basement and using it as a playroom/entertainment room. We had hopes of finishing it last year, but we were so busy with a new baby and an incredibly busy first year at work for Thomas, working in his new position, so the basement project was put on hold. Thomas has been progressing steadily with the work, but now has really started to move quickly as winter in approaching fast. A couple of weeks ago, Thomas, with the help of his dad, put up all the framing. Today, he hooked up our new washer and it's running like a champ! I'm really excited because I have lost so many clothes due to rust spots on my whites and dark spots on my dark clothes. It's been frustrating to say the least, but problem solved! So, I've included some before pictures of the basement, the new washer and some fun paintings that Ethan and I worked on this past week. We've had a productive week, other than the terribly intense cold that we all came down with on Tuesday. Tis the season, I guess. Tomorrow Ethan starts the preschool co-op and we start preschool at home on Wednesday! Hopefully, I'll get a chance to blog about it this weekend.

Monday, September 6, 2010

5th Wedding Anniversary

I tend to dislike surprises but this weekend, Thomas surprised me with an amazing wedding anniversary celebration. We really kicked off the weekend with some big news earlier that week. Thomas told me that he would like to get me a treadmill! I have always wanted a treadmill especially knowing that we will most likely be living in Iowa for a while and the winters are just too cold to walk outside. I don't mind the treadmill at all! I actually prefer listening to my ipod and working out. And I enjoy being close to home working out so I can quickly get ready afterwards. So anyway, it was an amazing way to kick off our anniversary, not to mention we also purchased a new washer this week because our old one is shot. So, two amazing new machines in our home to keep me healthy and efficient. I love it! So, we picked up both the purchases on Tuesday and took off Thursday to go to West Branch for our church's fall retreat. We spent it at the pond and several people camped outside in tents and the Teepee. Some ladies stayed inside the cabin and others were spread among different homes (the Fawcetts and Luke's). It was a great time hanging out and getting to know each other even better. Ethan had a great time with his cousins and friends from Ames that were able to make it. It was a little chilly so they didn't swim much but they kept busy playing in the sand and eating smores around the camp fire. On Friday night, Sept. 3rd, I shared with the group some thoughts that I had put together around our anniversary and what Thomas means to me. I have copied it so it's documented in our blog. What a wonderful man I am married to! The next evening Thomas surprised me with a night away including dinner and a hotel. Thomas and I ate at a wonderful sushi restaurant and relaxed together the whole evening and even slept in until about 8! It was a great anniversary present. The Fawcett's took the boys and they had a great time with grandma and grandpa for the night as well as the entire weekend. Today was super windy so we flew kites before we had to take off and go back home. The boys had such a busy weekend that all three of them slept in the car on the way home! Good times. I love my family and extended family so much! Life is so fulfilling and rewarding when you share it with those you love.

The Man I married…

Five year ago marked a very important day in my life. September 3rd 2005 was the day that I was married and made a lifelong covenant to the man that I love so dearly. I had no idea that I could be so fulfilled and content with one person knowing that we live in a culture where marriages seem to fail all the time and a lifelong commitment to just one other person isn’t anything to look forward to. I have experienced quite the opposite. The five years we have been married have been full of rich conversations, endearing affection, and friendship that has bound us together and made for 5 very fast years and a joy that has abundantly filled our lives. In celebration of our love for each other, I have made a list of 5 things, one for each year we’ve been married, that are most important to me and that I love so much about Thomas.

Starting with the first being that Thomas is kind. He is the one that when present in a room full of people, will make sure everyone feels comfortable and is enjoying their time. He is one who extends a hand to those who need help. He is one who defends those who cannot defend themselves and he always thinks of others before himself. He has been this way since the day I met him. I love his kindness.

Thomas is a man of integrity. He walks about his life being trustworthy, faithful and loyal to his family and friends. He works hard until his job is done and even then, goes beyond what is called of him. He is never deceptive and will always strive to what is right, honest and true in any and all circumstances. He inspires me to walk with integrity.

Thomas is a patient leader. He is aware of the role that God has given him as leader of his family and he has embraced this role with a patient spirit. He is patient with my faults and lovingly guides and strengthens me in my weaknesses. He is a patient father, dealing with his children with grace and love, much like our heavenly father deals with us. He is slow to become angry and never does a harsh word come from his mouth. He has led our family, regardless of what the world thinks, in the principles of the Lord. He extends so much grace in his leadership. He is a patient and loving leader.

Thomas loves the Lord and His Plan. Thomas has placed Christ above anyone else and treasures the scriptures beyond any other work. He is committed to God’s church and lining up our lives to be a part of what He is doing through it. Thomas loves the gospel and it’s message and the reality of God’s grace and forgiveness overflows from Thomas’ life. He loves the Lord more than anything and I love that.

Thomas is a best friend. He is my best friend. I feel so blessed to be with an amazing husband, father and friend. We are like two puzzle pieces that are uniquely different and yet complement each other so well. We fit together like and puzzle and Christ is the glue that makes permanent the two pieces together. I could really say so much more and I feel as if this only scratches the surface of the qualities that he possesses, but I am hoping that we have many more years to share together and thank the Lord for how he has blessed our marriage. Thank you Thomas for loving the Lord and loving me. Thank you Lord for such a fulfilling marriage and giving me a wonderful man. Happy 5 years Thomas.