It's sunny and warm outside today and for Iowa, I'm pretty sure that's not typical this time of year. There is no snow on the ground and the temperature remains at a comfortable and cool 45 degrees. I remember last year around this time, there were a couple feet of snow on the ground and we had already attempted to build a snowman. This year, it's been quite pleasant and nice to have a few extra days of dry weather and easy driving conditions. The weather was amazing last week and it was perfect weather for all the activities that we wanted and needed to get done.
Last week was Thanksgiving and we had a full week. We spent most of it at home, doing multiple loads of laundry and disinfecting everything in the house due to the stomach flu taking its toll on every member of our household. Poor little Simon was infected first and hard. He was getting sick every couple of minutes or so and this seemed to last for hours. This was Monday night. Tuesday was uneventful, but all of us were constantly questioning if we were feeling ill of just thinking about it too much. Wednesday night Ethan was sick. We then decided to postpone some of our extended family activities to Saturday morning and have Thanksgiving dinner at home which was very difficult for us. Thursday night, after the turkey dinner, Thomas was ill and then Friday, I got sick. It was a long week but needless to say, we still managed to fit in some family traditions that Thomas and I have been talking about establishing now while the boys are young.
We did decorate ginger bread houses and put up our Christmas tree. The boys loved opening all the ornaments and nowadays with all the lights and sounds ornaments, who needs gifts under the tree! The tree is like a magnet and we are doing our best to keep them from pulling the entire thing down. The boys spent over three hours the other morning helping Thomas put the Lionel train under the tree. They are mesmerized by the train and absolutely love pulling the lever by themselves. It's so fun to watch their eyes twinkle as they watch the tree and train underneath. It almost makes me feel like a kid again. Thomas did a great job putting up our Christmas lights on the exterior house. We are trying to figure out if we want to go LED or not. We both don't care for the look as much as the traditional but the saving and durability of the LED's might be worth sacrificing the look. We did end up buying a few for the front tree, but Thomas isn't sure they are staying. It's going to get pretty cold here soon that I don't think we'll do much about it. They will probably stay at least for this year.
Despite the illnesses that swept through our house, it was a fun week and I think the boys will look forward to Thanksgiving traditions next year based on the fun things we started this year.